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“Across the world, we are seeing cities take leadership and action on social and human rights issues that relate to women and gender, such as domestic violence, equality, safety and empowerment. City governments also have considerable opportunity to improve urban governance, spatial organization, basic services and infrastructure and programs in ways that better serve and empower womenâ€â€¦â€¦..
Lena Simet – Lead Researcher of the Global Urban Futures Project: “Cities that improved a whole lot in terms of economic metrics do not necessarily improve in terms of gender equality.â€
How Will Women Fare as Cities Grow Dramatically? The Data Are Missing
January 13, 2019 – By Laura E. Kirkpatrick
In 2018, 55 percent of the world’s population lived in urban settings, and a UN report projects that by 2030, Delhi will overtake Tokyo as the largest city. In the New York-Newark metro area, above, the population of 18.8 million in 2018 is projected to hit 19.9 million by 2030. Paradoxically, areas of intense population growth may present more opportunities for women but not necessarily for their security. JOHN PENNEY
Improving the lives of women is woven into each of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals, markers that all 193 member states aim to reach by 2030. Goal 5 is quite specific: nothing short of gender equality. Attaining this lofty goal means being able to put one’s hands on data that have been broken down, or disaggregated, to create a clear picture of how much progress has been made toward equality. When the data is aggregated, development experts are hobbled, and that means lost opportunities to focus on enhancing the lives of women.
A case in point: “The World’s Cities in 2018†is a data booklet that updates the UN’s first look at urbanization and its implications for sustainable development. The new report uses broad strokes to depict an image of urbanization. But, due to limited access to disaggregated gender data, it doesn’t reveal how or even whether the status of women dovetails with a trend that will have enormous implications for sustainability and economic development in the decades to come.
Not surprisingly, many cities are growing dramatically, sweeping in outlying areas and large influxes of new residents. Tokyo, Delhi and Shanghai top the list, with 25 million-plus residents each in 2018 and projected populations of 32 million to 39 million in 2030. São Paulo, Mexico City and Cairo are not far behind.
Date: March 29, 2018 at 9:51:36 AM EDT
VNRs and national tracking of the 2030 Agenda
Invitation to Participate – Perceptions Survey 2018 – For distribution
Agenda2030_BF Austrian Agenda 2030
Voluntary National Reviews and national tracking of the 2030 Agenda: participatory and inclusive?
Please join the third edition of the Together 2030 perceptions survey on civil society and stakeholder engagement in Voluntary National Reviews and national tracking of the 2030 Agenda implementation, organized in partnership with the Politics Department of Newcastle University.
Reply by April 20 here:
The purpose of this survey is to collect information about civil society and stakeholder perceptions of national processes that follow up on the commitments established in the United Nations 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Your participation is very important. The outcomes of this survey will be shared by Together 2030 with governments, civil society partners, the United Nations and other relevant stakeholders, as a key input for discussions on how to strengthen the engagement of stakeholders in the follow up and review of the 2030 Agenda.
Are you aware of your country volunteering for national review? Do you know how to engage in your country? Do you have access to the necessary information to engage?
Please, join our perception survey and let us know:
Together 2030 is a civil society initiative promoting and tracking progress of the 2030 Agenda. We are grateful to the Politics Department of Newcastle University for technical and expert leadership and guidance in setting up and implementing this survey.
Responses are voluntary and will be fully confidential. Personal or organizational information offered by respondents will not be shared. Responses will be compiled together and analyzed as a group.
*Volunteer countries for 2018: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Australia, Bahamas, Bahrain, Benin, Bhutan, Cabo Verde, Canada, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Greece, Guinea, Hungary, Ireland, Jamaica, Kiribati, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Mali, Malta, Mexico, Namibia, Niger, Paraguay, Poland, Qatar, Republic of Congo, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Singapore, Slovakia, Spain, Sri Lanka, State of Palestine, Sudan, Switzerland, Togo, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Viet Nam.