Wagramer Str. 5
1220 Wien
For the fourth time UNIDO co-organized (together with IIASA, SE4All and the Austrian Government) the Vienna Energy Forum 2015 (VEF) which took place 18-20 June 2015, Hofburg Palace Vienna, Austria under the title “Sustainable Energy for Inclusiveed by Development”. Government figures, policy makers, experts in the field of sustainable energy and other decision makers discussed in multi-stakeholder dialogues, launched new global partnerships and formulated concrete action to support the post-2015 development and the climate agenda. The focus was on inclusive development, energy efficiency, and the nexus between energy and other key SDG’s such as water, food, and health, besides promoting economic growth, generating employment opportunities, innovation and low carbon society. The global issues had been analyzed in an integrated way and in a true partnership with the goal to find long-lasting stable solutions. This challenge is particular urgent for developing and emerging countries. Three events are taking place this year: (1) the Finance for Development Summit in July, (2) the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in September, (3) COP 21 Climate Conference in December 2015.